1111人力銀行幫您找1111獵才顧問中心 - 知名飯店集團-Director of Revenue Management打工、工讀、兼職打工推薦1111人力銀行打工專區,1111人力銀行
我們貼心為求職者找1111獵才顧問中心 - 知名飯店集團-Director of Revenue Management時企業徵才透過1111人力銀行,想找工作有效率的好人才
1111家教網(家教中心)讓您免費依家教授課科目、授課地區及對象1111教職網,不論您有沒有教師執照,想當老師就來這!只要於1111 人力銀行刊登履歷,即可用e-mail 方式投遞履歷
1111人力銀行幫您找1111獵才顧問中心 - 知名飯店集團-Director of Revenue Management轉職跳槽年後上班,精選職缺盡在1111轉職專區
1111獵才顧問中心 - 知名飯店集團-Director of Revenue Management
- 工作說明:
- *To maximise all the group‘s distribution channels and drive revenues from each channel.
*To assess and implement all revenue management tools and programs for use within hotels and the CRS.
*To implement effective reporting and analysis across all revenue and distribution channels.
*Communication of Group Revenue Management standards to the hotel‘s and team members, auditing for application of standards, training, and measurement of hotel revenue performance against established goals and forecasts.
*The primary responsibility of this position is to oversee hotels Director or Revenue Managers and Analysts in their work group for all aspects of Revenue Management.
*The position will recommend and coordinate revenue management strategies for all hotels within the Director‘s work group and supply critical analysis on company-wide decisions effecting pricing, occupancy and revenue. - 工作地點:
- 台北市中山區
- 工作時間:
- 日班
- 工作性質:
- 全職
- 職務類別:
- 經營管理主管、財務/會計主管、市場調查/分析人員
- 工作待遇:
- 面議
- 需求人數:
- 1人
- 管理人數:
- 未定
- 到職日期:
- 一個月內
- 職缺更新:
- 2015/12/25
- 身份類別:
- 不拘
- 學歷限制:
- 大學 以上
- 科系限制:
- 不拘
- 工作經驗:
- 不拘
- 語言能力:
- 英文 聽:精通 說:精通 讀:精通 寫:精通
- 附加條件:
- 1. Bachelors degree in marketing, business technology or related field preferred.
- 2. Sound experience in Hotel revenue management systems and tools.
- 3. Practical working experience within revenue / reservations distribution management.
- 4. Extensive knowledge of all distribution channels (GDS/OTSs/hotel websites/Voice).
- 5. Working knowledge of SynXis, TravelClick tools and current revenue management programs.
- 6. Minimum five years directly related experience.
- 7. Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. Other language skills are an advantage.
1111獵才顧問中心 - 知名飯店集團-Director of Revenue Management
- 張家強診所 - 護士
- 立體方格厚雪紡V領素色上衣 1109053101
- 1111人力銀行求才-丹瑪格國際美學 - 美容師(寧夏店)
- 1111人力銀行求才-大買家股份有限公司大里國光分公司 - 儲備幹部(國光店)
- 禾悅國際企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Sales Development Manager
- 富祐鴻科技股份有限公司 - 業務副理(蘇州)
- 鴻瀚有限公司 - 翡翠珠寶銷售人員(信義區)
- 多喜田食品有限公司 - 門市人員 - 晚班(崇德店)